6 Pillars Of Holistic Wellness

Health is Wealth’s community member and founder of EatThriftLove, Ashley Wilson, covers the 6 Pillars of Holistic Wellness. A few are listed below, but click the link at the end of the page to check out the rest of the pillars of Holistic Wellness.
The program is part of Ashley’s minimalist lifestyle brand. Its mission is to simplify wellness holistically.
Ashley has a 6 week personal development program, Passion on Purpose - where she helps creatives, hobbyists and developing entrepreneurs connect spirituality to success on a journey to holistic wellness.PILLARS
GRATITUDE - Start everyday with gratitude.
INTENTION - Do nothing without intention.
FORGIVENESS - Forgive yourself to free up space to forgive others.
These are a few concepts that can be applied to the mind-body-spirit connection - a powerful practice for our overall well-being. It's the idea of being holistic. And because we are all unique, spiritual beings sharing a human experience, tapping into the holistic self is vital for operating at our highest potential with whatever it is that we desire. Health is Wealth on all levels - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
If you're seeking simplified ways to elevate your personal development, live more mindfully and drive the connection of spirituality and success, check out the video below on the 6 Pillars of Holistic Wellness - created by our very own Health is Wealth Chicago lead, Ashley Dominique - creator of EatThriftLove.
Sydney S • #PassionOnPurpose
“Ashley was fantastic! I loved this program. While I am still working on developing myself throughout my wellness journey, I took away meaningful lessons and new daily wellness practices that will guide me along the way. I noticed I am meditating more, becoming more aware and adopting more mantras/affirmations to shift my mindset. The accountability that Ashley created with Trello and consistent follow-ups was what I liked most about it. I also appreciate that we could open up and dig deeper regarding some topics, as opposed to just touching on the surface.”
Crystal K • #PassionOnPurpose
“Ashley has set the bar high with this program and did a wonderful job leading each session. I had no idea the AMAZING depths she would take us through. It was very organized and my time was well spent. I also really enjoyed the small intimate setting during each session. Passion on Purpose gave me so much more than I expected for my journey to reaching a consistent healthy and holistic lifestyle. Each session allowed me to discover a new truth about myself and gave me thought-provoking ways to utilize each new truth (good or bad) to aide in my overall wellness. I highly recommend this program to anyone really seeking a healthy lifestyle change.”
Jasmine W • #PassionOnPurpose
“Passion on Purpose was such a great program. In the 6 weeks, I definitely saw a change in myself and started tapping into my full power and potential. Each session always left me feeling very refreshed and full of gratitude. I was able to apply numerous principles and start new habits to my daily life that only made me a better person, and things that I will work on making permanent. I liked feeding off the group’s positive energy. Ashley did a great job putting this program together.”
Charles T • Wardrobe Edit
“After our initial phase of the wardrobe edit doing the closet purge and organizing, I feel amazing. Finding what to wear is easy and quick now. You've allowed me to shave time off my day. I appreciate it a lot. You really did help me declutter! I plan to do some personal shopping with you in the near future.”
Melina C • St. Louis, MO
“You've inspired me in so many ways! I now meditate regularly, I make mental health a priority and I'm currently putting together a playlist for my morning dance/music therapy thanks to you! You're just so positive to be around and I appreciate the energy you bring.”
Sara R • Chicago, IL
“Ashley is helping to inspire people to find their true passions and follow their dreams. Helping people to let go of things that aren't important to focus on what truly matters. She's helping young girls find their dreams and inspire them to make it a reality.”
Lisa M • Hazel Crest, IL
“When Ashley walks in the room, you can feel her aura instantly - like everyone's going to take notice. Way deeper than just the physical. She naturally inspires those around her by being grounded in positivism and influencing collaborative efforts.”
Kyle T • Aurora, IL
“Ashley is very passionate about personal relationships as well as building relationships surrounding her brand. I personally know her to be very loyal and giving!”
Byron S • Chicago, IL
“Ashley exudes curiosity. She's easy-going, open, warm and empowering. Always a pleasure to be around and I’m so proud of her growth and development as a spiritual leader.”
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